Answer : In Kennesaw Georgia, as a general rule the law for automotive window tint is 32% for passenger cars on all the side windows and back glass. On SUV's, trucks and vans, only the front doors are regulated. Read on for more detailed information.
Darkness of tint is measured by Visible Light Transmission percentage (VLT%). In Georgia, this percentage refers to percentage of visible light
allowed in through the combination of film and the window.
Passenger Car Window Tint:
Windshield Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 6 inches of the windshield.
Front Side Window Tint Must allow more than 32% of light in.
Back Side Window Tinting Must allow more than 32% of light in.
Rear Window Auto Tint Must allow more than 32% of light in.
Trucks, Vans, And SUV Window Tinting:
Similar to sunglass lenses, some tinting films contain metallic elements that help in reflecting incoming light and reducing the glare and heat
generated by visible light.
Restricted Colors: The tint color(s) of RED are not legal by state law.
Side Mirrors No restrictions.
Medical Exemption State allows medical exemptions to tint windows on your automobile. For more details about the specific terms of the exemption, consult your state law.

The law for automotive window tint varies from state to state. In many northern states window tint laws require nothing darker than a 70% film, while in other parts of the country it can be as dark as 20%.
Here in Georgia the law for tinted glass on your car is 32% for the entire vehicle. There are exceptions to the law of 32%: multi-purpose vehicles, like SUVs or minivans, can go with any shade on the rear of the vehicle. (Any auto glass behind the front two door windows)
These percentages are used to measure the amount of visible light transmitting (VLT) through a tinted window. The lower the percentage means the darker the film. One thing to consider is even though a car’s window may not be tinted, it doesn’t mean it is clear. A lot of auto glass that isn’t tinted can have its VLT measure at around 70% or higher. This can sometimes put a car on the illegal side even though the proper percentage of tint was applied.
The state of Georgia also requires that no window tint have a reflectivity of 20% or higher. This reflectivity can be seen on vehicles that have windows that look like mirrors. This type of film has phased out over the last decade as car manufacturers have put more and more technology into a vehicle’s glass and the metal in mirrored tint can interfere with this technology.
A vehicle is allowed a tinted windshield strip along the top six inches of the windshield. There is no requirement to the shade of the windshield strip, however, it can’t be reflective.
You should always install a window film that complies to the State of Georgia regulations. Not only do you run the risk of being ticketed for illegal window film, but it can be expensive to strip and redo all the windows on your car.